Gary Oates began fulltime ministry in 1967 with Campus Crusade for Christ. Over a thirty-year period, he planted five churches in five different cities in the United States. Gary resigned from the pastorate in 2003 to devote full time to the traveling ministry. Several years
NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED!! ALL WELCOME. No childcare, but children are welcome at all sessions, with full parental supervision. Love offerings taken at each session, or through Paylpal More info call 423-650-0483 Address: 699 Blue Springs Church rd sw Cleveland TN 373-11 Schedule: March 6
Watch the video and meet Tiffany and Misael! Their lives were changed by a touch of God some years ago and now they would love for YOU to come to their hometown. This trip is scheduled for 8 days and involves exciting and powerful ministry
This trip is scheduled for 8 days and involves exciting and powerful ministry opportunities in Ecuador. The team will fly to Ecuador on Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 and return to the United States on Monday, Nov. 18, 2019. Ministry begins on Tuesday, Nov. 12 with