Gary Oates
began fulltime ministry in 1967 with Campus Crusade for Christ. Over a thirty-year period, he planted five churches in five different cities in the United States. Gary resigned from the pastorate in 2003 to devote full time to the traveling ministry. Several years ago Gary was caught up into the Presence of the Lord and began seeing the ministry of angels in the realm of the spirit. Following those experiences, he was launched into worldwide itinerate ministry with an overwhelming abundance of supernatural results. The focus of Gary’s ministry is intimacy with Jesus, how to experience the manifest presence of God, impartation to see in the spiritual realm, as well as healing for the whole person. He is the author of three books – the best selling “Open My Eyes, Lord”, “Visions and Dreams”, and “The Life God Intended”.

Mark Reetz
was an atheist until at the age of 20 he was miraculously pulled out from under a falling load divider bulkhead at his railroad job. Looking around and seeing no one there, he began a search to find who had kept him from being crushed that day. After 3 months he told Jesus that if it was Him who had done so, then He could have his life. Ever since then the Lord has had him on a journey to passionately find and save the lost through Him. Mark’s relationship with Jesus has taught him a very deep revelation of the word of God. This relationship intensified even more after a powerful and life-changing encounter took him even deeper in 2007. Working as a street pastor for over 40 years, he brings deep teaching and the Father’s love to all he ministers to.

Worship led by Adam Humburg
Originally from this area, Adam served on the worship team at Grace Fellowship (now StoneRidge), and then became the worship leader and eventually pastor of Souled Out Ministries at the Magpie Coffeehouse. Moving to Austin, MN with his wife Crissy in 2006 he served at Austin Christian Fellowship as worship director. In 2012 their growing family moved to the Twin Cities area where he now serves NewDay Church in New Prague, MN as the worship pastor. In 2018 Adam launched the River Valley School of Worship to build up and equip the worship community throughout the Minnesota River Valley. Currently active in his home church community as well as conferences and worship events in the Metro area, Adam lives in Elko New Market, MN with his wife Crissy and five children.